best accelerated private pilot training

For those that care, I am a combat veteran of Afghanistan. Thank you. I cant say enough positive things about my training experiences with AFIT and my CFI, Todd. Almost hard to believe that I showed up in St. George, Utah with only a few hours of flight time under my belt, and 14 days later I am a Certificated Private Pilot! Flight training at our St. George, Utah Facility is taught by our Chief Flight Instructor, an aviation professional for over 30 years. It isnt easy and you have to work hard but I am convinced that focused high intensity is the best way to learn. This absolutely motivated me to keep pursuing my dream. I just wanted to express what a great experience I had with John in Van Nuys. Even though I didntget a few key things done before I got down there, he went above and beyond the call to make sure I was ready for the check ride and prepped me for a successful check out. He was able to teach me to be the safest pilot in any airplane I will go on to fly, not just what I was focused on in the 172. Once again I would extend my recommendation of AFIT to anyone interested in an intense and rewarding flight training program. She lets you learn from your mistakes, like the best teachers do. Tony, I recently completed my private pilot license with you guys out of Lincoln California I wanted to tell you about my experience. I enjoyed my time and do believe this is the best way to learn to fly. I dont know of anywhere else that someone can learn in that short of time and feel as confident and as proficient as I do with the instruction. Dan my examiner was amiable and very good examiner. Greg had plenty of real-world anecdotes from personal experience that helped me focus on the most important priorities in the cockpit. Looking back on the last two weeks, its crazy to think I started with very minimal knowledge and skills to walking away with my private pilots license. I couldnt have done it without your course. One can really feel his 22,000 + hours during flight training. The requirements for a private pilot license are laid out in the Federal Aviation Regulations. I learned a lot in such a short amount of time, and I would have never imagined that I would be able to do my first solo after one week and my first cross-country solo shortly after. One of the great things was that Paul showed me how make all my calculations manually, but wasnt anti-technology; he showed me the neat features of the apps I paid for! Thanks again. Thanks for everything Tony. $1100.00. Hi, Hope youre doing well. Im looking forward to doing my instrument training with him in the future. Thank you both and hope to see you guys soon for another rating. The training location in Van Nuys and the Instructor Gil were the absolute best combination. Typically, the Accelerated Courses will include up to two flights per-day with ground sessions in-between. I highly recommend Greg as a CFI with the AFIT program. We often flew 2-3 times per day so proficiency grew quickly. Day one I was worried about taxing the plane, day 6 I did my first solo landing, day 9 first solo cross country, by day 14 I was ready for my check ride. He geared his instruction to me and to the test and made sure I was preparedevery step of the way. Now that I have my pilots license I will definitely use AFIT for my instrument rating. Item #3: Choosing the time of year carefully for your accelerated private pilot training. I just completed a 10-Day Private Pilot Finish-Up Course with Paul in Lincoln, CA. But good enough to be a safe pilot. AFIT provided me with the knowledge and training that I needed to fulfill my childhood dream of being a pilot. These along with the consistently good weather in the Sacramento Valley were important factors for achieving success within the two week time frame. I was also able to meet Andys family and was grateful to receive a very valuable lesson from his wife, an air traffic controller. We hit it off great, but honestly I think Todd could get on with anyone. ), then simulated instrument flight back to Santa Paula where we stopped and got some fuel, then shot an ILS approach on the way back to Van Nuys. Id absolutely recommend AFIT and John as an instructor and would be happy to provide a positive reference any time if it would be of help. Many Thanks AFIT. Just now heading back to Seattle. It is a computerized exam that is administer before you start flight training. Your approach of calm composure while giving insightful and witty instruction is a voice inside my head that I hope to never lose. I flew from Michigan to California to meet with John at the Van Nuys Airport. My instructor Sean has been flying since age 16 and it shows. I was ridiculed and told by all 6 flight schools it would take at least 2 months to complete ground school alone. Getting a private pilot certificate in two weeks is not easy, but with Johns instruction it didnt feel like work at all. Save more than $7,000, and months of waiting, by utilizing our FAA authorized self-examining authority! Thank you AFIT for making this possible! Sean did not hesitate to make himself a resource morning, day or night. Thank you AFIT and Sean for an incredible experience. The Van Nuys airport was a great base for training as the busy airspace gave me lots of opportunity to practice my comms and get comfortable in crowded airspace. Thank you for everything and look forward to working with you again! My course was amazing and got me moving along way faster than I ever thought possible. was one of the best decisions Ive made regarding value, & good quality flight instruction. 5 Best Flight School Minnesota - FLYING Magazine A PPL is challenging but perfectly achievable and I cant recommend AFIT and Mike enough. Most of this was because I would get about two days of flying about every 2-3 weeks. It is a very focused program, so you need to be ready. He taught me good pilot attitude in the air with ATC and other pilots. He cared not just about the educational material that I was learning, but that I was having a fun and memorable experience along the way. In addition to having mild dyslexia, I had an issue with depth perception. For all of those skeptics out there of which I was one, if any of you are considering accelerated flight training, do not hesitate to go with AFIT! Cholena will adapt her teaching of ideas and techniques until she finds the approach that suits you. I hadnt flown for 8 months and had booked 7 days to get me to completion. This was an edifying experience and I learned a lot. In the two weeks that I spent in Lincoln learning with Ricardo, he remained consistently positive and when I would start to doubt my own capabilities, he was always reassuring with a kind and empathetic attitude. I started the program with zero hours of flight experience and without having ever even been in a small aircraft. Accelerated Flight Training - Aspen Flying Club His professional atti Andymy instructor, did an amazing job making sure I felt comfortable and went out ofhisway to keep me focused and on track to graduate with my license. team for helping me achieve this great feat. With AFIT youre learning from instructors who take your training as seriously as you do. Im really thankful for all the knowledge that I acquired and for your services and excellent attention everyday, and of course with AFIT to be there 24/7 and answer my emails in SECONDS! I am so grateful for the training I have received. The days went by incredibly quickly. Not only did I learn a lot, but he had a good sense of humor and made the training enjoyable as well. I wanted to thank you for all of your help in getting everything set up for me to do the accelerated training with Todd. Tony was also very helpful with setting everything up and making sure I was prepared for the course. If your struggling to find the time and dragging it out like I was, give these guys a call. The highly accelerated program let me attain an incredible wealth of knowledge in the optimal and succinct amount of time. Truthfully, I was skeptical that I would finish the certification in ten days myself. I had started a conventional training program twice and due to family, work, and other things life throws at you, was unsuccessful completing the requirements. I had literally zero flying experience coming into this and I passed my check ride and received several compliments from the FAA Examiner. . While I purposely sought out an experienced CFI with a lot of time in the saddle (as compared to younger CFIs trying to build time), I hadnt given much thought to Gregs military pilot experience, which turned out to be extremely beneficial, especially to me. I contacted Tony at AFIT and he set me up with Adriel in Lincoln, California. Learning to fly in these conditions was not easy but we flew each day, ultimately making me the kind of pilot I want to be. He was a very knowledgeable pilot and an exceptional teacher. Tony assured me that I was no different than many of their other clients and he was glad to help me. Ruben was able to zero in on my weak areas and get me my private, instrument, and commercial licenses. By day 4 it was clear that my flying was looking check ride ready. I cant express enough my thanks for helping me reach this life long goal. I want to thank you for the wonderful program you and your team has put together. Luckily for me, he was the coolest old guy I have ever met! I owe every bit of this new passion of flying to AFIT and your incredible flight instructors. Being fully immersed in the course was definitely the best choice as it helped everything come together as I kept building day after day. In my experience, you just dont learn as much. I would like to extend my sincere gratitude and thanks to you and Ziggy for helping me fulfill the dream of being a pilot. I am still shocked that I was able to accomplish my PPL in 14 days!!! Flight Training - McAir Aviation | Accelerated Pilot Flight Training He knows his stuff! List of Flight Schools in Michigan on Best Aviation Schools My experience during my training at AFIT was nothing less than what I expected. Todd (my CFI) was amazing in my corner every step of the way; truly a world class instructor, coach and mentor. If you have a medical condition (even a serious one); it is still possible for you to get a license. Todd is and was truly awesome and I will forever be in his and your debt for all of the support. He possesses an amazing wealth of aviation knowledge, which he shared freely throughout the time I spent with him. Literally the best instructor Iveever met. I was actively searching for a full immersion pilot program when I discovered AFIT. through Kings Schools online, I showed up feeling well prepared to take on the adventure. We hit a patch of bad weather, and I was worried that Id be headed home without my license. I am glad I made the decision to do AFITs 14 days program. I started training with A.F.I.T. We have five star reviews on Google and Yelp, and are an A+ rated pilot school by the Better Business Bureau. After about 50 hours of lessons spread out over 13 months and never soloing, I decided to look at other ways to complete my training, because at the rate I was going, it seemed like I would never get my private pilot license. As a Helicopter ATP coming out of the Army, I needed an instructor who could tailor lesson plans to get me ready for FAA check rides. St. George Utah is a great training location and environment, with a variety of airports around mountains, desert, canyons.. A nice and well organized quiet town. Using the AFIT finishing course was definitely one of the smart things I have done with my aviation training path. I am 51 one years old and I have a schedule that I understood the way to make this work was to block off 14 days to accomplish this dream. Once again a million thanks to AFIT and Mr. Gil for making the dream a reality. Im a banker in New York City with a hectic and dynamic schedule. It is definitely important to remember that this is an intensive program. Training in Southern California had added benefits as well. John didnt only give me the tools I needed. For starters, I cannot imagine many more qualified instructors than Eric. I feel like those 9 days not only helped meachieve my PPL goal but they truly made me a much better and more aware pilot. What I learned on day 1 was I still had a lot to learn. I cannot recommend Ruben highly enough to anyone looking to expand their ratings.. This was a huge confidence booster, an invaluable lesson in mountain flying, and made the check ride feel much less challenging. Greg turned out to be the perfect CFI for me! He really helped me understand a lot of concepts Id been struggling with and I now feel that Ill be a safe and competent Private Pilot. In an accelerated course like this, the days feel like weeks but the weeks fly by in what feels like minutes. The AFIT course made obtaining my pilots license a safe reality in a compressed timeframe and is specifically designed for people who are self-disciplined, driven, committed, and willing to do the pre-work required to hit the ground running. :) I am hiringAFIT andPaul again in a few months to get my IFR and Multi Engine Ratings.. Thats how impressed I was by him. . My time there showed that with enough hard work and a great instructor it could be done. Both the student and the flight schools must adhere exactly to what the FAA has approved so there are no variations in training. Thank you so much AFIT and John for all of your help! The three trainers I met in Lincoln are all great. Thank you both so much for helping me in a difficult position; because of AFIT I am now able to apply for the Reserves Pilot Board which meets at the end of the month. he also supports and teaches aviation at local high schools and colleges. He really gets you ready for life as a pilot. John did a great job of blocking off time for an airplane ensuring I could make the timeline while working with me to make sure I was confident for the check ride. I learned a lot in such a short amount of time, and I would have never imagined that I would be able to do my first solo after one week and my first cross-country solo shortly after. Mike is the best instructor Ive ever worked with. Overall I had a great experience with my flight training, and even though at times I wanted to jump out of the plane (without a parachute), in the end I am glad I went with A.F.I.T. The program was billed to me as a two-year program (since I had my gen eds out of the way) where I would finish with my four-year degree as well as a commercial certificate and maybe even my CFI certificate. I had absolutely zero flight experience before AFIT and to now have my private pilot license after just two weeks of training is truly a testament to Seans ability to teach these skills so quickly. Before AFIT, I felt like I was tiring out an instructor if I wanted more than the normal 2 hours typical lesson. Ive been to four different FBOs, and had numerous low time flight instructors. With an accelerated flight training program here at Paragon Flight, you'll be a pilot in no time flat. It ended up with me getting my Private Pilots License in 14-days, and that was the goal. The accelerated training I received with Steven allowed me to build my aeronautical skills in a way that was best suited for me: Stevens expertise helped me to pinpoint what my specific deficiencies were and we were able to work on them in a targeted fashion. I am also very thankful Todd was able to do the same. I came to AFIT after struggling through the typical schedule with a flight instructor at a school scenario. and Eric to anyone looking to do an accelerated program. Success in Salt Lake City (Private Pilot Training). It was an amazing experience overall, the whole thing was an adventure. The exhilaration of my first solo will forever be a big picture in my memory! Now I did have a few things I missed on the checkride due to inexperience dealing with such heavy winds but Tony, Jacob, and Rueben were able to get me scheduled for a quick flight lesson and another checkride! AFIT thank you so much for such a wonderful experience. She was always there pushing, teaching, and making me understand so much about the art of flying. Mike WILL get you through this. My experience with John was second to none. I look forward to becoming a better pilot and visiting AFIT again to earn my instrument rating one day soon. Certified Multiengine and Instrument Instructor. The instrument rating requirements, as specified in 14 CFR 61.65, are summarized here: A person who applies for an instrument rating must: Hold at least a current private pilot certificate or be concurrently applying for a private pilot certificate with an airplane, helicopter, or powered-lift rating appropriate to the instrument rating sought. Accelerated Courses. The certificate is free. This technique is so much better than just following a script or syllabus. Flight training at our Van Nuys, California facility is taught by our Chief Flight instructor who has been an aviation professional for over 37 years , Mature and Friendly, Commercial, Instrument, Multi Engine, including CFI and CFII for fixed wing single and multi-engine aircraft and rotorcraft helicopter with over 14,000 total flight hours and over 9,500 hours dual given. The training was a lot more intense. But I was in a few gun fights that were never as intense as flying. Tony, Ruben and the entire support system were amazing. This was a long road getting this private pilot license and I was a bit skeptical about doing it in two weeks. Imagine everyone telling you that you are crazy to do it in such a plane in such a short period of time. The training with AFIT is intense, but it is efficient, and I know that I am a safer, better pilot because of it. to me coupled with Cholenas mastery of the subject and masterful instruction gently ushered me to a place of great confidence as I start this road as a newly certificated private pilot! I am confident that I am a better pilot for it, and I truly appreciate the high standards that he set for me, which made my check ride just another day in the plane. When I initially inquired about your company and this total immersion flight training, you explained the process and it sounded convincing and just what I was looking for. Includes Flight Time (42 hours) Flight Instructor and and Ground School Santa Paula, California: Cessna 150, or C172, Includes Flight Time (42 hours) Flight Instructor, and Ground School, Van Nuys, California: Cessna 172, or Cessna 152, Includes Flight Time (42 hours) Flight Instructor and Ground School, Boulder, Colorado: Cessna 172R, C172SP, or C172RG, St. George, Utah: Piper Archer & Cessna 172XP. We recommend students purchase rental insurance, which is available at reasonable rates. Looking for accelerated commercial/CFI programs : r/flying I Appreciate Greg and AFIT more than theyll ever know. I wanted to say thank you for an Excellent Private Pilot Training course with Eric, a Fantastic instructor. We identified weak areas and focused on them to make the check ride successful. Santa Cruz, California, Thank You! I came into the program as a complete novice to powered flight and finished with a successful check ride 2 weeks later. His airmanship is similarly outstanding. All-Inclusive Price. I cant say enough positive things about him, but Ill try. Tony and Paul with AFIT made this a reality and they are both a class act. Crazy right?? Thanks again for everything. I found the course to be intense and challenging, however I enjoyed this as flying was my life for two weeks. A private pilot may carry passengers but may not be paid for doing so, although the pilot can share operating expenses with the passengers. (I am mechanic at all and I would say that I couldnt even put a nail on the wall or hang a frame.but when your life and your family life is in your hands, you make some efforts ;-)), I can be contacted by anyone considering your program. However, you wont spend as much time learning so your total cost is less. Your program worked! Cholenas aviation knowledge is virtually limitless; youd be hard pressed to find a question she cant answer. In addition to the numerous options and flight locations, AFIT was tailored to my schedule and helped me achieve my goals in the fastest and most diligent way possible. After arriving in Rexburg, I found I really enjoyed the small town feel of the community, and the small airport we were based out of. Andy, a very experienced pilot and a great flight instructor. I had the opportunity to fly in a complete new enviroment, in a place that I`ve never visited before (Colorado). His experience in aviation is hard to match and the life stories have been extremely motivational. Accelerated training at Sporty's allows you to leave life's distractions behind for a short amount of time so that you may dedicate your resources to completing your training goals. Cholena is not only very patient, but also she has the nicest way of pointing out the students errors while instructing and encouraging them in proper procedures. Greg teaching style with this type of school is very well dialed in. He was indeed mature and friendly. They identified my weaknesses within the first day or so, and I flew more hours in a week than in 6 weeks with the Part 141 school. In addition, the excellent weather in California and availability of multiple airport types within a short range, is great for intensive dual and solo training. One Mechanic came in after hours to change a tire for us so that we could complete our night flight. Great concept. But gradually, day by day Mike taught me how to fly good ole Cessna 80246. Both of these make regular tasks involved with flying difficult. Well done! And that goes beyond flying. I was both skeptical and hopeful; after a phone call with. I never felt ambiguous or unsure about where we stood in the process. I'm currently completing the 14 day accelerated CFI training program at Berichi in their 2020 Skyhawk. I am lucky I got paired with a CFI that worked well with my personality. As an Australian, I had to go through a whole process through the TSA to even be allowed to train. Home; . This is when Ruben was at his best consistently challenging me on the Private Pilot ACS questions and talking me thru the flight maneuvers in preparation for the day of the check ride. Andys extensive flying experience means he gives tons of practical advice and can explain seemingly difficult concepts with ease. His work ethic and dedication to making me a great pilot was readily apparent. In the end, I am greatly satisfied with my time at AFIT, and would highly recommend AFIT to anyone considering gaining their private pilot license. He definitely made adjustments to focus on my weaknesses and took my learning style into account. To that end, you will be hearing from me very soon to continue my training with Cholena to achieve my instrument rating, and then after that my commercial rating. We had just done a lot of time doing cross wind landings. My flight training with Todd was wonderful! I want to let you know how much I enjoyed working with John to get my Private Pilots License. 14-Day PPL Thanks what a great experience. Thank you for scheduling me with Cholena Parkhurst; she is clearly a committed flight instructor! Now less than a month after Im taking delivery of my own Cirrus SR22 Turbo. During the first couple days of the program there is a lot of information to take in, but by the time Andy gave me the go ahead for the first solo I felt very comfortable and safe in the plane. Andys teaching style allowed me to make my own mistakes and learn from them while remaining safe. I feel like this system is the best and most efficient method of flight training. There was never a time during the duration of the training that I felt that I couldnt achieve what he was asking. Im currently looking at a plane to build some hours in and I look forward to coming back for my IFR once I have some more time in the air. Nationally, most student pilots get their Private Certificate anywhere from 60-75 hours! Thanks for the opportunity to work with Greg. Priceless 3P. Previouslyittook me 3 months to get 8.8 hours offlight time. Tom is a great pilot, a great instructor, and a great person. His enthusiasm makes me want to keep flying as much as possible and I cant thank him enough for instilling that in me!Thanks,Ryan OToole. Located in Walnut . From the first contact with Tony and Accelerated Flight & instrument Training to the dinner with Paul, my Certified Flight instructor after a successful check ride, what a great experience. He kept me laser-focused on the knowledge I would need for my FAA oral test and check ride, but he still found time to impart untestable yet critical lessons that he has learned in his 40+ years of flying. John instilled the skills and technique that I needed to accomplish any landings, at any given wind angle and speed. I learned a lot in such a short amount of time, and I would have never imagined that I would be able to do my first solo after one week and my first cross-country solo shortly after. I mean that wholeheartedly. You dont get these views anywhere else unless youre in the skies. Greg had over 8000 plus hours. I have learned a tremendous amount over the past two weeks and have achieved a significant livelong goal of mine by getting a pilots license. Would recommend the AFIT accelerated course to anyone who has a lifelong goal to be one of the few with a PPL. I was able to achieve my dream of becoming a pilot and I had so much fun doing it!! (70% is a minimum passing grade). No matter the circumstances, his positive attitude and resolve helped me through the course and motivated me during the long, hot summer days. I plan on returning when my schedule permits me for an Instrument rating and multi rating. When it comes to Flight Training there were tons of options, I should know I was attending another school, however either by luck or chance I decided to switch over and attend AFIT. At the Lincoln flight school the mechanics and office staff are all wonderful and a joy to be around.Overall I am still shocked that I came away from this experience a pilot. I received A+ quality training in a time period and price we had discussed prior to my payment. I highly recommend AFIT and Eric if you are serious about becoming a private pilot in the most efficient way possible! Working with Gil was a whirlwind of an experience! Cholena is clearly someone who would excel at absolutely anything she ever decided to do. The smile on my face on March 20 said it all. It was a tremendous amount of work but it was well worth every penny and effort. Erwin really pushed me hard and looking for me to be the best I can be and we did it.