justice as how someone sees you

The Page of Cups and Justice as a tarot card combination indicates someone would love to confess their feelings towards you. In the context of whether or not a relationship is headed for commitment, engagement, or marriage, Justice reversed means that they see you as someone with many obstacles to overcome. When most people think of the word justice, the first thing that comes to mind is the legal system. All of this . If you have erred or wronged someone, admit your mistake. Get honest answers, with no hidden fees. Maybe from a sense of superiority or a grudge against the world, the person of interest wants to claim what they desire without any concern whatsoever about the consequences. You can recognize her by her rational thinking, calm temper, and truthful words. The same goes if youve been wondering when will I finally get what I deserve? It is a definite sign that your efforts and your good deeds will be rewarded in due time. Justice and Ace of Pentacles and Five of Pentacles, Justice and Ace of Pentacles and Ten of Pentacles. Seven of Swords - Tarot Heaven In reverse, the Justice card may indicate that the person of interest thinks youre stern, inflexible, dishonest, and demanding. Trust your wisdom and your knowledge, and take a stand for what you believe in. It means that you have the clarity to decide for yourself and take matters into your own hands. Give yourself a present every now and then as a reward for your efforts. I also enjoy reading legal blogs and discussing legal issues with friends and family. You shouldnt be getting paid less than what you deserve, but you wouldnt want to lose your job all of a sudden. Justice will offer redemption to the guilty, but a second chance is not always guaranteed. This is a religious reminder that what she gives you are the effects of their movements. It is a wakeup call, a chance to own up to your mistakes. Facing the truth may come as a shock. One example of this is the case of Cecily McMillan. This will be a chance to earn the love you deserve, so be honest with your feelings and reasonable in your expectations. The Justice card will appear when the seeker has learned an important life-lesson. This can be interpreted in a number of ways, depending on the individuals situation. How someone sees you or feels about you? We have to consider illegal trade and gambling, as well as buildings that house organized crime and any kind of criminal activity. Your method of resolving problems may be clumsy or inconsiderate towards others, and you will have to face the consequences just like everyone else. There is no right or wrong answer, and everyone will have their own opinion on the matter. It means a new beginning with a lot of communication. An inverted Justice card implies concealed activity. They feel like the scales are tipped in an unfair balance. On the flip side, if they sense any coldness coming from you then dont be surprised if their instinct is to take some time away remember that warm behavior can really go far! Advertise with us. That may not necessarily be your fault; sometimes ones success, clarity, and resolve make everyone around them look bad, reminding them of their failures. If youre involved in a legal case or an important argument, this card will serve as a good omen. Thus, Justice is the force that allows you to stop the wheel of karma, meaning that if you learn her subtle lesson, your mind will be free from the toils of suffering and the illusion of good luck. This card will represent a cold mother, a presumptuous friend, or an immature and stressful lover. They value kindness, so rewarding those qualities in your interactions will definitely help you build positive karma with them. Are you giving too much and not getting enough back in return? If you did someone wrong, they may seek retribution. There is no simple answer to this question. For example, if someone is already in a relationship, the Justice card could mean that the couple is ready to take the next step and get married. Justice is associated with legal professions, court officials, lawyers, accountants, and stockbrokers. This view of karma is often called the law of cause and effect. According to this view, justice is not a karma card. If you are rich and powerful, you will likely get a better justice than if you are poor and powerless. Ill fill the diffuser with lavender or peppermint. But what does this mean exactly? If Justice appears reversed in a friendship reading, it might refer to a close friend hiding or twisting the truth and judging you. The exploitation of employees is one of the most terrible, yet widely practiced strategies of modern capitalist reality. The clarity in thought that is required to dispense justice are symbolized by the rectangular at the crown she wears. Concerning the thoughts of someone else towards you, Justice is a quite favorable card. Here we see the same lady in that we saw earlier inside the Eight of Swords - and perhaps, she was subsequently launched, however haunted via the nightmares of the suffering she endured even as she became left and deserted. Justice calls on you to make important decisions about your life and dedicate yourself to higher ideals. Instead, our actions (causes) lead to consequences (effects), which in turn lead to happiness or suffering. Surrounding her are beautiful blossoming timber and inexperienced floral gardens. Ask unlimited questions. In a healthy relationship, both partners will need to be willing to compromise. You may be anxious to see the culmination of your efforts, the completion of a plan, a reward for your work, etc. The Ace of Swords as How Someone (He/She) Thinks of You. If we lean into Justices fair and balanced nature, we will be a better partner in our relationships. Only by returning to the heart of the matter, the objective truth, can one hope for clarity and resolution. Avoid perfectionism; its a vain and ambitious trap. They may often waver from the clouds of imagination to the sobriety of reality and back until they find the balance and clarity to realize even their wildest dreams! An independent person who can stand on her feet and find her way in life, she will understand and help you in any way she can, but she wont forget an offense, and wont offer forgiveness if you havent earned it. They will even do this within a relationship. Ace of Swords tarot card as how someone sees you Sometimes, he may even be fake about his confidence. Justice indicates balance, honesty, and mutual benefit in friendships. Justice brings an end to cruelty. Justice describes a virtuous and compassionate woman. They respect your opinion, your point of view, and your ability to solve problems while having the best interests of everyone at heart. Or perhaps a Justice person could be a bit of a stick in the mud. The Justice card often represents legal affairs and the law, be it the cosmic law, or the human system of order and structure. Of course, no kind of relationship can be regarded as a mere transaction. Justice As Feelings Explained (Upright, Reversed & Combinations) He is sporting a yellow patterned shirt on pinnacle of his steel armor. Be mindful of your words and actions, because they wont think twice if they see a red flag. Merging the qualities of "Page" and the qualities of the "Cups Suit," the Page of Cups card would represent: Being emotional. Leaning into the spirit of justice helps us practice positivity and kindness. When reversed, Justice describes a state of imbalance. That road may be crooked, but desperate times call for desperate measures. Or can justice be in reverse? His horse is orange in colour and has a mane that looks as if flames. For singles and those embarking on new relationships, Justice is a sign that they see you as someone they need to further analyze. Their equal partner. But the rabbit at the lowest cautions us that we should be careful of where we leap when we're chasing that achievement. Andrew Tate is clearly one of those. This card reversed means that you made a mistake, a conscious choice that was morally wrong, and now you face an important choice: will you hide the truth in hope that no one finds out, or will you try to make things right and face the music? You dare to look everyone in the eye, speak your mind with honesty, and value reason above all else. Were all the same in the eyes of Justice. Ace of Swords. They perceive you as an intellectual person who knows what they want, smart, eloquent, and powerful in some sense. She symbolizes impartiality and karmic comeuppance. These intuitions take in data points, analyze them, and produce a feeling about the person we've just metlikable or not, friendly or not, trustworthy or not, attractive or not. In a clumsy search for completion, you lean to an extreme instead of finding your equilibrium in the center. Justice is also about balance. If theyre single, it can suggest that they need to be more open-minded if they want to find love. This may have its root in past experiences. How someone sees you or feels about you? Beneath her crimson cloak, which is held collectively via a clasp, she shows the tip of a white shoe. What does the Justice Tarot Card mean in Love? If you stand by the truth, equity, and fairness, you can never be wrong. Your partner thinks that the relationship isnt feeling quite right. Envy is feeling pain at someone's well-deserved good fortune. Whatevers underlying this feeling imbalance, progress only comes through honest communication if injustices have been done then speaking openly is necessary to achieve true harmony once again. To face her without a doubt is to confront reality and accept responsibility for your actions, to think rationally and resolutely without the sway of feelings. Page Of Cups As Feelings: What They Won't Tell You Justice is often seen as a system that is blind, meaning that it is fair to everyone regardless of who they are. The time to decide is now, but do not take sides yet do not judge in haste. Alas, in modern times, her role in the hands of the powerful is questionable, if not corrupt. They can appear ruthless in their quest to achieve their ends and will even intentionally hurt others feelings to prove a point, and to make them feel like they do. They are blaming you for all the things that went wrong and have no desire to take accountability for their own mistakes. Another example is the case of Michael Brown. Be open with each other to make sure that both parties are being treated fairly it could be whats best for this budding romance. With honest communication and good faith toward each others interests, this relationship can grow stronger. When youve got more than enough, practice generosity every chance you get. As she sits in her chair, the scales in her left hand represent how intuition must balance logic. You may expect something that wont happen yet. The beauty of Justice is not only skin-deep; she has a beautiful mind and a rich soul. Sometimes I will choose the sound of rain or the ocean or even thunder. It may also represent business centers and bureaucratic agencies. Then would that openess as "what you see is what you get" be the Strength card? Justice shows up when someone sees you as a special and mindful character who cares a lot for others. Corruption is another possible interpretation. The notion of justice as a virtue began in reference to a trait of individuals, and to some extent remains so, even if today we often conceive the justice of individuals as having some (grounding) reference to social justice. Its a good omen, like arriving at the peak of a long hike. Page of Cups Guide - The Tarot Card of a Love Renewal - UnifyCosmos.com She doesnt tip the scales with superficial and subjective thoughts. She will provide the necessary, but she can strike down those who claim more than their fair share. McMillan is an Occupy Wall Street activist who was arrested in 2012. Justice would advise you to think for yourself, to feel worthy and balanced, and to plan your actions within the boundaries of reality. However, when they make a decision, it is final and it will feel like a verdict. Justice reminds us that kindness and fairness are essential to maintaining a healthy relationship. The key here is to set your priorities straight and objectively think for yourself. To stand by your opinion, give yourself what you deserve, and avoid situations that are ultimately unfair to you. When reversed, the Justice card in the obstacle position denotes an exhausted and troubled mind. When you observe the Knight of Wands' face, you ll see the dedication of wanting to achieve success in his endeavor. Justice recognizes hard work and redeems those who have suffered. See new Tweets. The Justice card is the eleventh of the Major Arcana in the Rider-Waite deck. People struggle with their choices every day, in career or romance or lifestyle, picking and choosing, and they miss the point entirely, lacking the foresight or resolve to face the consequences of their actions. A very positive card to align with, Justice will create a favorable, eccentric, and ethereal impression to anyone who gets to know her. When we are good to others, they will return it to you in spades. It will be a passionate romance where both partners are equal and respect each other. The Devil Tarot Card as How Someone (He/She) Sees You When asking how a specific person sees you, the Devil isn't a very favourable card to receive. The Justice tarot card can also indicate that you are working through or have dealt with some karmic issues. It means that by exercising your intelligence, you would arrive at this conclusion by yourself, as it is quite obvious. Ask yourself honestly what is really going on so both parties can begin working together towards restoring harmony within the partnership. The Justice card encourages you to always speak the truth and make a direct approach. The Justice Tarot Card in a Career Reading, The Justice Tarot Card Reversed in a Career Reading. The Justice card reversed in a friendship reading likely means that there is dishonesty and distrust between you and one of your friends. All rights reserved. Justice reversed also often reveals an individuals unwillingness to take responsibility or ownership of their actions. With the scales, she weighs her options and choices to arrive at an impartial decision. A single person receiving this card will possibly find the new lover theyve been waiting for. It might also be a sign of potential loss or an unfair deal. It implies that karma gives and takes from everyone exactly what they deserve, no more and no less. If you are interested in getting a psychic reading, then as a VekkeSind reader, you can get 5 minutes free. It wont be just a gift from providence, because youve already earned it. This likely happens to people who have received unfair treatment in their lives and have suffered from other peoples short-sighted choices. Justice tarot card meaning Sometimes we fail to learn our lesson and find ourselves repeatedly making the same mistakes. What youre expecting may be unreal, or you have not earned it yet. What does Justice mean in a relationship? Justice As How Someone Sees You - malcolmmackillop While the Priestess unites the opposite and dualistic and offers an invitation to study the Divine Law through the unconscious realm of the spirit, Justice divides to carefully examine every detail. Youve earned your keep, but remember to be generous, reasonable, and honest. They would rather talk thoroughly and openly about their wishes than act on impulse and would try their best to build mutual respect and understanding. I love my Asakuki Diffuser, I have this going in my living room or my office with either peppermint or lavender. There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the Justice card can mean different things for different people. Your relationship is unbalanced and there are many things that are throwing your partner off. There is an inner peace that makes it clear you have done inner work. All rights reserved. When reversed, Justice means No in a Yes or No question. That creates a sense of admiration and respect in others. In reverse, Justice suggests that either you or your friends have been wronged. You have to focus and think rationally. It could indicate that they know about you cheating on them or going behind their backs for essential matters. He is also sporting an armor helmet with red plume protruding of it. You can solve any existing conflict if you chose to do so. Three of Swords Guide - The Tarot Card of Betrayal - UnifyCosmos.com Perhaps a bit too conditional in their affection, though the conditions would be reasonable and high-minded. Justice is one of the tarot cards that gets a lot of attention, and for good reason. I enjoy writing about legal issues and trying to make sense of the complicated world of the legal system. Justice and Fairness | SkillsYouNeed Devil Tarot Card Meaning - 35 Interpretations! - Vekke Sind Besides caution, there may be feelings of respect, admiration, sympathy, and reverence. This is a time when you should seek out justice, both in your personal life and in the world around you. They say that a debt paid is a friend kept, and that is precisely the issue with Justice as a friend. In reverse, the Justice Tarot card suggests that the root of the conflict is injustice. This can mean pressing your boss to give you what you deserve, focusing on a more lucrative business plan, or even searching for a better job. Someone who can argue one side and then go, "but if you look from this angle ." They posess stubbornness like Strength but unlike Srength that is driven by control of fear, Justice will only be driven by verdict of right/wrong. It may refer to biased decisions, futile perfectionism, absurd demands, and prohibition. Find the mental clarity to make the important decisions in your life, and speak your mind with honesty and objectivity. If the querent is feeling like they havent been treated fairly in a past relationship, Justice can suggest that they take action to correct the situation. Vekke Sind, Hanged Man Tarot Card Meaning, 35 Interpretations! It also has a timer so that I doesnt run dry. If your question would be how someone sees you or feels about you, the Ace of Wands is quite an attractive card to pull. Truth becomes obscure to either conceal ones low self-worth or to boost their inflated ego. More or less agree with your assessment. A disturbance may throw you off balance, so remember to remain calm. Justice may indicate that you achieved a major victory youve been planning, although it may be a while until your plans are fully realized. It does not suggest an outcome that is either for or against you, but accountability, dignity, and integrity are all liked to its presence. She appears as a crowned woman on a throne between two pillars, wielding a sword in her right hand, and holding the notorious scales of justice with her left hand. The lesson of Justice is that hard work and honesty pay off. The qualities of a reversed Justice card describe a strict individual who thinks they have the right to meddle in others affairs and demand their respect and obedience. In reverse, Justice becomes ill intentions and vain ambition. It depends on my mood. Three of Pentacles as how someone sees you - They see that individual as someone they can build something successful with. This includes discussing both the good and the bad. Try it now, click here for a 5-minute reading FREE. The Justice card reversed means that you are feeling out of balance by letting go of joy and descending to the negative realm. One interpretation of karma is that it is a cosmic law that governs the universe. Justice is the card of fairness, truth, and law. In a reading, its a sign that if you judge a situation objectively and weigh your choices carefully, youll be able to give yourself what you deserve. How Someone Sees You: The card signifies a strong-willed, diligent, brave, and controlling person. Our expert Tarot readers are here to help. Ultimately, Justice with her double-edged sword reveals that theres no way to deface the truth and avoid the consequences of your deeds. The truth will shine and guide you! It may hurt your feelings a little if you are questioning someone you have been with for a long time. Justice constitutes one of the four cardinal virtues of the Tarot, the others being Temperance, Fortitude, and Prudence. On the other hand, it may point out that your partner is gaslighting and misleading you. Tower as how someone sees you - as a hothead, a person with an explosive temper, someone who blows their top; - who is emotionally volatile; . Death Tarot Card Meaning, 35 Interpretations! It can be interpreted in a lot of different ways, but at its heart, the meaning of Justice is about fairness. The Judgement Tarot Card as How Someone (He/She) Sees You When representing how someone perceives you, the Judgement card can refer to qualities such as maturity and wisdom. I am a 31-year-old lawyer who also blogs about law and related topics. For more complicated issues, theres sometimes the chance that new information may change the outcome, so think and wait a while before deciding. Justice is often seen as a black and white concept you either have justice, or you dont. Ive recently started working with an online psychic reading company and Ive received some great feedback. It could, of course, be the other way around, with the seeker being the wrongful one, but these issues are kind of a grey area. Can the Justice card really predict marriage for someone? Method and resolve are required, along with an informed and unbiased perception. When you see the Justice tarot card, it is a sign that you should examine your actions and their consequences. She will show compassion and understanding if thats what it takes to get to the truth. I would think 'what you see is what you get' would be The Fool card, if we were picking a Major Arcana. The answer would be they see you as someone who is just, who dedicates their energy to doing the right thing and making a wrong right. Justice then serves as a warning. Minor problems are of no importance; they will be dealt with swiftly on common ground. Justice reversed evokes thoughts of wrongdoing and crookedness. As the old saying goes, what comes around goes around. It will be a time of peace and equilibrium. All about decisions and calculating results, this card is a positive answer. If you are asking about how someone sees you, and you draw Justice reversed, that means this person sees you as someone who is unfair. The Justice tarot card is a symbol of reality, fairness, and law. However, it is important to consider both sides of the argument before making a decision. How can this be explained with karma? I really love the Himalayan salt Lamp and my Crystal Tree of Life. Of course, the journey back home awaits, so maybe this wont be as final as the completion of a cycle in the World card, but it will certainly herald a change for the best. There is tension and imbalance between you, and one party is avoiding confrontation. The scales of Justice are a hallmark of courts and legal institutions. As an action, it means being honest, accepting responsibility, cutting through problems with clarity and resolution, and claiming what you deserve. The concept of karma is complex and can be interpreted in various ways. You are using an out of date browser. There are pros and cons to both of these ways of looking at justice in reverse. He is instead shifting slowly ahead which offers the whole setting an universal impression of peace and calmness. Your behavior may be erratic, conservative, and self-centered. Aristotle described 'poetic justice' as being "pain felt at either good or bad fortune if undeserved, or to joy felt at them if deserved". Some other ways to interpret Justice in reverse would be striking an unfair deal, being in debt and gaining money through devious methods. Whereas the card in its upright position is mostly about preventing wrongdoing and resolving conflicts in a fair and beneficial way, when reversed its a sign that a lot of damage has already been done, whether this concerns a relationship, social status, or legal affairs. Forgiveness is the opportunity to pay back a debt. It almost always boils down to the simple proverb: you cant have your cake and eat it, too! Get ready for anything! Theres nothing terribly wrong with feeling lost and losing your inner balance, as long as you find the courage to forgive both yourself and those who hurt you. Theyre really careful because they dont want to be swayed by ephemeral and transient situations. Ten of Wands tarot card as how someone sees you This is a pure desire to think with clarity, see beyond illusions, and to earn what youve always wanted. Perhaps he perceives you to be somewhat cold -- not in a bad way, but just takes a bit time before warming up to you. The Rider Waite card bears the number 8, having swapped places with Justice. Three of Pentacles tarot card as how someone sees you Consequently, this card will often lead to a building related to legal affairs and the upholding of the law. Whats keeping you from realizing your dreams? She was convicted of assaulting a police officer and was sentenced to three months in prison. But 10 of cups says that everything is whole and good. They may look up to you as someone who is knowledgeable and possesses quite a deep-seated awareness of matters you care about. This card urges you to lower unrealistic standards and think about the reasons why youve been single. You may be out of balance, unable to think straight or make important decisions on your own. Justice reversed is a bitter card when it describes an emotional state. Justice can represent a strict mother figure who expects of her children to blindly obey her will at the expense of their freedom of choice. Justice means that they see you as someone who has treated them well. In this sense, Justice signifies a certain attitude of dishonesty towards oneself, a dismissal and denial of the facts. All in all, no matter how determined a person is, if they refuse to acknowledge the truth and put themselves in the others shoes, then they are dishonest and cannot be reasoned with. Some people believe that justice is a karma card, while others believe that karma has nothing to do with justice. How someone sees you or feels about you? This is because he was rich and powerful, while Brown was poor and powerless.