baby danvers fanfiction

Click here , there were seven shards of bad luck, and they all looked like me, Pairing: No Romantic Pairings (Danvers Sisters & Baby Danvers!Fem!Reader), Requested: Yes Anon (Only the Requests in the pinned comment are open). Feeling the burn slide down her throat and course through her system. "Your siblings are worried sick.". Y/Ns sudden closeness, accompanied by her wail, caught Kara off guard. Y/N danvers feels like a burden to her sisters so she packs her stuff out of the apartment she is living with Alex and goes away. Lenas, she said without missing a beat. Astra Luthor-Danvers, Jamie and Liz Sawyer-Danvers, have an adventure of their lifetime. Maybe she's down at the coffee shop doing her-" but Kara did not get the chance to finish her sentence. She gave you a look did she have a plan or something ? She still speaks, though. Shivering from the cold and huddled up to escape the wind, you crouched down by the water near a tree, trying no to stand out or make a sound. Im sorry, love, but you need to keep the ice pack on, Kara told her gently, locking eye contact with Alex over Y/Ns head. You reek of it., Okay, maybe she admitted to being victim to it before, but she didnt think she was that obvious. However, in response, the woman only raised a brow at reading Alexs body language, clearly unphased. The pride the family felt at her first word, how she quickly started singing and bouncing to music. The conversation lulled after that, all of them listening to the radio and just enjoying a moment to relax before they got home. Explore Tumblr blogs with no restrictions, modern design and the best experience. No we didnt! Nia tries to fight back, remembering how she had felt awkward towards Lena for weeks. She flops back onto the sofa and downs her drink. I did that to her. She chokes out and a sob breaks through. I started drinking after the breakup with Lena. If they are keeping this charade for PR reasons, then they should at least do a better job, right? Content to sit in silence while laughter and jokes sound around them. But this time, it had destroyed her family as well. If you wanna go to the party or stay at home.. At first, you would havee forgiven him as if nothing had happened. A lot of leeway being given to you all and a lot of funds being burned. Despite knowing she didnt have to constantly watch over her kid sister, that kind of responsibility was pretty well rooted into her core. In the meantime, the woman stepped close to Alex once more, with the redhead automatically stepping back again. When Alex Danvers adopts a 17 year old alien girl named Imilli, she is thrilled to finally have a kid. Lets ask Marvin : Marvin how long it takes to make an omelet ? Lily sits up and watches her carefully, her head tilting to the side in concentration. Remember, you are loved, you are enough and you are important. Reboot (A superflash fanfic) by Hoo-Man Being. "Do you know how much damage you did in less than five minutes?" Yep! She said with the largest smile. Eliza quickly gets a glass of cool water for her daughter. asked the familiar voice from across the room and you swallowed hard as every vein in your body filled with a throbbing rage. You tried to breathe regulary and bit your lip in the process; the pressure leaving a slight metallic taste in your mouth. He didnt finish his sentence, Lena, with a velocity you coudnt suspect pushed his head against the screen and some of piece of glass and plastic flew away when he broke. We need to find her and fast.. Kara reaches out and takes Lenas hand, giving it a gentle squeeze of support. Ill let you finish your coffee while I assemble a task force for this mission, but when youre done, Jonn said, pointing a finger to her, then tapping on the manila folder, read this and get briefed on the situation. A Luthor always know how to fight. She responded proudly and you were so amazed by her confident. (Tag works with AgentCorpWeek2021 and Day X), (More information about tagging and submitting can be found on our blog). I dont want you to be hurt because of me, Oh baby, i promise it will be fine. "There is nothing to talk about. And they may kidnaped me because of my attached strings with supergirl.. Alex? Sam gets up and heads over to her fiance, clearly seeing that Alex was getting more and more agitated. Lena stays frigid as she watches and listens to the lyrics. The silence is broken as Lena sniffs heavily and lowers her head into her hands. Kara places a comforting hand on Lenas shoulder as she looks in concern at Lenas sad face. God, I feel like I havent seen you in forever. Lena says as soon as you walk into her office. Warnings: Angst, fluff, emotions the usual, Pairings: Alex Danvers x Sam Arias, Kara Danvers x OC. Each were busy at work de-gutting their pumpkins . . Rolling her eyes she storms over but before she slams open the door, she hears Lena sobbing through it. For someone who had never played a game of paintball in her life she was holding her own very well. What do you mean, where's Alex, she's in her home. The trio leave and Robyn sits heavily on the stool at the island, resting her head on her fist. She cant help but feel a pang of sympathy for the raven haired woman as she jumps and stares wide eyed up at her. Masterlist This is a list of the supercorp/supergirl fanfiction that i have read from different authors here on tumblr. I should die because of what I did., Wow! She shook her head frantically and pulled you even closer as she watched the tears run down your face. Whats wrong? "Your sisters are so lucky to have you and would not trade you for anything in the world, would not want to change a single trait in you. Ive missed you too, Lee. You finally part the hug, looking at her with a wide smile. They were the last ones to arrive, and the others greeted the sisters warmly as they approached. Ms. It was supposed to be a recon mission observe and report. Alex had talked to Kara once she had calmed down. Bravo. The games came after and Kara managed to win her a giant stuffed bear that she refused to let go of despite it being almost as big as she was. How bout we take Lily for a walk? He offers and Emma barely nods. Progress, uh? To tell them theres absolutely nothing wrong, that you dont need help and that they must leave so you can go back to work. Alex eventually found herself thumbing through the docket. (Y/N) ! Robyn frowns at this sign of weakness being shown by the CEO. Alex heads for Sam and Ruby roasting marshmallows and Kara goes over to Ben who is joking with Eliza. And we saw that youre still working! Alex makes her way inside your apartment with two bags in her hands. They were all armed, why did she do this ? Emma shivers at the memory, her sisters covered in blood, eyes fully dilated, staring at nothing. The last group was finishing up their game and the workers would let them know when it was time. Lunch. She looked on her left and saw a female body peacefully sleeping next to her. Dont worry, sis. The camera zooms in on a blondes back as they stare out at the barren, white desert in front of them. But there was a part of me that felt disappointment. Baby. Kara says, arms open wide, pulling you inside her arms for a long hug. At this point, she wanted to continue to voice her vote of disapproval, but her confidence had faltered. Imilli has gone through a lot in her life, she was found abused and broken by the DEO and was taken in by none other than her savior Alex. She is alive, everyone! Hell, shes done similar to her agents. One time he got up to feed Emma but I could hear her fussing. Emma gives her a questioning look but Robyn just shrugs and follows her down to the back room where Eliza is filling two flasks with hot liquid. In a second Lena was on you, hands on your shoudler to stop the bleeding, tears on her cheeks. Because I sure as hell didnt, Alex snipped back as she flipped her hand up in annoyance. Its growling with impatience., Yeah, sure. Kara ignores you, making her way inside to where Alex is. And you have to admit, theres bullshit written all over you. Alex was like a daughter to him, and he was usually pretty good at reading his girls, but sometimes, when that near teenage, rebellious, Leave me the fuck alone attitude came to surface, hes learned to give them space and cool down. They tightly hold onto each other and Emma places a kiss on their heads. And guess what? Lena didnt tell them about the, um, incident. A Sanvers Baby Chapter 1: Month 1 - FanFiction.Net Why not leave her alone after that?, Lena. Fay says quickly and glances over at Emma, whos looking irritatedly at Robyn. Geez. Gee, theres nothing here. You write from the depths of your soul and are able to connect with others. Alex was having a particularly rough day. Do I have to? Her mind asks apprehensively. Its something else, this thing youre going through. The video starts playing and the sound of synths begin. Seeing this, Kara takes the other. She looks timedly over at Alex, who seems to be silently communicating with her. The cancelled sister nights, or games night or whatever you all do! But our love for you has never been an illusion. She sits next to you pulling you closer, and kissing the top of your head. To me, you are just a pitiful piece of misery that abandoned and destroyed his entire family.". Shit. Alex mutters. Oh, so we dont even have an actual reason? Chapter 5 of where your heartache exists up now. Question., How did the whole sobriety thing start? To hear another voice timed with Emmas lips. And if Lena knows, then shell tell Kara. The matter is in need of urgent attention, Director. Well, it was more of a hunch and you cant plant bugs in someones home on a hunch. Lucy shrugs and winks at the singer. I need you to enter to government system to hack their files about secret opration in the City., I cant do that im not an expert and, Then i can kill both of you beginning with supergirls little sister., Excellent ! Kara cant live like this until its acceptable for them to divorce and move on with their lives separately. Okay, sorry. She would like an apple juice, please. Fay answers for Emma and she signs her thanks. I know how this branch of the DEO operates, Lucy began. But Emma wont like Alex going through her things. Lena says with wide eyes and quickly follows them. However it was a trap, your team leader ended up putting everyone in harms way which resulted in multiple injuries. We will review when we are back at the DEO.. Sit down and have dinner, Y/N. Alex pulls the chair for you. I dont know how you run things here in National City, but where I come from, we move quickly. A/n: In this story, Alex and Kara play more as a supporting role in order to focus the oneshot more on the friendship between Lena and Baby Danvers (Reader). Lena shakes her head but Kara wraps her arms around her anyway. The time was flying, too fast and no supergirl Lena was earning some minutes, secondes as much as possible, she didnt want to put you in danger but you were already. Alex soon joins the search, going to the opposite side. Youre ok. Come on, darling. Theres something we want to talk to you about., Kara sets her food aside, looking way too serious. You scratched your arm nervously and looked down at your knees. The results ping up, making Alex feel a surge of hope. Ok first of all, the mac and cheese wasn't that messed up. She said defending herself. She frowns at seeing the name of the song, Perfect Illusion.. Its a loss, and its a pain, only people who have deeply loved and lost their pets will understand. They had gone years without anyone sustaining an actual injury, but this year ended up breaking that record, and would be a story for the ages. Im sorry, Y/N. But please know, my love for you, it wasnt an illusion. I forgot to mention Kara begins, getting nothing from Lena, not even a glance over but she continues anyway, James told me he thinks we should go out on a date night, you and me. She waits expectantly and the only reaction she gets from Lena is a scoff. You wake up the next day, not knowing how you slept, but youre still clenching to Sheldons collar. She tries to block out the different conversations happening around the room but its difficult. Ever since Kara came to live with the Danvers when she was a teenager, she was fascinated when that same year, Eliza announced that they would be doing this seemingly magical activity calledpumpkin carving. Jeremiah sighed tragically. Alex swore she saw the womans veins popping out from her temple. You were running ot ouf breath, but he didnt care. Alex shook her head, picked up her coffee and brought it to her lips. Karas worried gaze shifted from Alex to the dresser she was standing a few inches away from. This is the story of Kara Danvers-Allen from Earth-57. However, she enjoys how passionate they are when trying to support their theory. I hope they have lots of yarn balls where youre heading to. Just one more. You agree with your raging mind, while promising yourself youll eat even less tomorrow. Youre like half of who you used to be.. You cant believe you got caught. Y/N: Gosh, you guys are so melodramatic. They discover surprising discoveries about their parent's past lives. Now it seems i can keep you alive then. Lily nuzzles into her, keeping pressure on her side and keeping Emma grounded while she continues to listen. Letting you know she doesn't believe your lies even for a second. Get food into her. Alex is clearly talking to Kara, and she comes closer with pancakes for you. The DEO infirmary went silent when director Danvers walked in closely followed by supergirl. Emma yawns and rubs her eyes, clear fatigue is etched on her face. It wasnt that she was attracted to her by any means she did have Lena but the close, physical presence of a woman like Lucy, in an extremely intimate proximity like that, did cause her nerves to shake.