was terry hobbs ever found

A few pages prior, he writes "Damien and Jason had no indicative violence in their pasts, and while Jessie was known for a hot temper, he channeled his aggression into pursuits such as wrestling." The reason why Chriss skin was removed but his penis remained, i.e. . West Memphis Three: Who is the real killer behind the brutal - MEAWW At the time of the murders, LG was only 19 and spent most of his time with an unmarried man who was in his 50s. That is your motive right there. I do believe that some of the injuries on Stevies penis came from himself, from excessive masturbatory play. Even Aarons mother, Vicki, supported these statements in her first interview with police. With what we know about Stevie and how much he feared Terry, it seems impossible that Stevie would have been the child who kicked Terry. I allege that after Stevie and Chris had been stripped and attacked, Terry began to tie up Stevie. He is an evil man and true psychopath and the type of man to tie those boys the up the way they were found. According to both Billy and Bennies statements, the four men pulled up to the trailer, bought a small amount of marijuana and left. There are so many rumors, lies and blatant ignorance surrounding this case. Whats peculiar is that Michael Moore was somewhat further away from Stevie and Chris, and that the location of the bodies was actually around 20 feet south of the suspected murder location. And since she couldnt have known this from a sighting, because the sighting never happened, then it must be from some other source. Mother Of Murdered West Memphis 8-Year-Old Speaks Out About New Before I further explain and explore all the evidence that points to Terry Hobbs, David Jacoby, LG Hollingsworth, and Buddy Lucas being the perpetrators of this murder, I would like to reiterate something: there is almost no possibility that one person could have committed this murder alone in the timeframe it occurred. 4:50 Terry takes Pam to work but first drives by the Moores looking for Stevie who did not come home by 4:30. Apparently, he had told family members that his mother found a pair of his bloody shoes and when he talked about the murders at work, he lead people to believe he somehow knew something or was in someway involved. In FBI profiler John Douglass' book Law and Disorder, he makes a strong case for Hobbs. Meaning to me that he was the third one caught). It isnt difficult to assume that Terry was told by his parents for most of his life that homosexuals were sinners who were going to hell. These statements have protected Hobbs for seven years. Those who believe they are innocent claim it was a witch hunt due to Satanic Panic. He also claimed that Jessie said he had punched a couple in the back of the head. I theorize they then cleaned up the blood from Chris injuries by scraping up the mud, grass, leaves and blood and throwing it into the drainage ditch. The fact that David Jacoby said that he saw all three boys and one was riding on a skateboard, means that Davidreally didsee the boys at some point that day. Well, the alleged confessions from Buddy and LG finally answer that question. 7 Driver? Additionally, Stevie, by both Pam and Terrys accounts was a well behaved boy who did not disobey. These men had no reason to lie or even tell their story, if not for justice. Right around 8:40, I believe that David would have walked or driven home, depending on who was driving that night and Terry and LG would have gotten into Pam and Terrys small, white Toyota. West Memphis Three. SO WHAT HAPPENED NEXT? evil" when he loses his temper and "he doesn't get mad, he gets 'even'". In addition to Billys statements and the similar questions asked in the 2009 deposition that both pointed to Terry Hobbs being an alleged homosexual or bisexual man, the criminal profiler Brent Turvey claimed in 1996 that whoever committed this murder was a closet homosexual who projected a macho image. VICKIE: YES. And, it had to have been between 5:30 and 6:00 because Chris abandoned his skateboard by 6:00 and joined Stevie on his bicycle. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/West_Memphis_Three. The question is, why? In part, I blame paradise lost for the graphic images. He isn't going to sway me to their innocence because I've done my own research outside of his book. Its important to note that the details of Aarons interview were not open to the public until 2006. Apparently, Stevie had injuries to his penis that he believed were self inflicted. Twenty years later, in 2013, two parents of the murdered boys, Mark Byers and Pam Hicks, hired a lawyer to help them look at any evidence in the prosecutions possession. Especially considering how extremely rare it is for a victim to be tied in this manner. The Puzzle of the West Memphis Murders I've no doubt he killed Stevie to "get even" with Pam. Maybe because sheknewLG was involved and he told her that Damien did it. As I mentioned previously, this statement is an enormous indicator of truth, in my opinion. I think he knew it because he knew that Damien didnt really commit this murder and thats why he basically tells his aunt not to tell this lie. Who Is Terry Hobbs, Stepfather Of West Memphis Three Victim? | True Chris Byers brother and others also confirmed that the boys played in those woods very often and the very first statements made by both Aaron and Vickie were that Aaron and the boys played in those woods and secretly watched men engage in sex. What the ME failed to mention, however, is that a one time act of oral sex on a child is not going to cause enough injury to a childs penis to be noticeable. OKAY WHAT WERE THESE MAN DOING?AARON: THEY WERE UH, DOING NASTY STUFFRIDGE: DOING NASTY STUFF, WHERE DID YOU SEE THEM DOING THIS STUFF?AARON: IN ROBIN HOOD UH, THE PLACE WHERE THE BOARDS ARE, AARON: THEY, THEY DO WHAT MEN AND WOMAN DO, RIDGE: OKAY, UH, YOUR SAYING THEIR DOING THINGS LIKE MAN AND WOMEN WOULD BE DOINGAARON: YEAH (YES)RIDGE: WHEN I SAY HAVING SEX IS THAT WHAT YOUR DESCRIBING?AARON: YES SIRRIDGE: OKAY, HOW WOULD THEY HAVE SEX?AARON: THEY WOULD UM, THEY WOULD WIPE EACH OTHER LIKE UM, LIKE UM, LIKE THEY DID UM TO MICHAEL, CHRIS AND STEVE THEY SAID, RIDGE: WITH THEIR MOUTH, WHERE THEY HAVING SEX WITH THEIR MOUTH?AARON: YES SIR, RIDGE: DID THIS HAPPEN REAL OFTEN ?AARON: YES SIRRIDGE: HOW OFTEN ?AARON: IT HAPPENED FIVE TIMESRIDGE: FIVE TIMES YOU SAW IT HAPPEN FIVE TIMES? They had contusions, which are bruises, which had to have happened before death, on their ears, under eyes, over eyes, on forehead, etc. (3) She claimed to have seen them near the spot they were murdered somewhere between 6:00 and 6:30. I believe as David dragged Chris with him back to the others, he picked up one of the boards that lay in the open nearby. This subreddit is dedicated to the West Memphis Three and the ongoing mystery of who really killed the boys they were wrongly convicted for murdering. CHRISTY, I WAS TALKING TO A GIRL NAMED CHRISTY AND SHE TOLD ME THAT SHE THOUGHT THEY HAD FOUND ONE OF THE BODIES. In 2011, after 18 years in prison, the three innocent men were released on an Alford Plea. It also would have allowed Terry to take things to the next level; if he began with seemingly innocent orders he could have continued things that way, escalating events with each command. If this is to be believed, it makes sense. No. The 3 were let out of jail on an Alford Plea, which means that they admit that there is enough evidence to find them guilty (and thus the case is considered closed) but still maintain that they are innocent. When you look at the evidence as a whole, it is quite clear and truly undeniable what really occurred that tragic day. We know this because it appeared as though Stevie had struggled while he was restrained. Why would she get in trouble for that? HE SAID NO, THERE, YOU KNOW YOU CAN TELL WHEN YOUR CHILD IS LYING AND IT WAS LIKE HE KNEW SOMETHING WAS UP. Allegedly, David Jacoby fell in his effort to catch the third child and in doing so, scraped his knee. I also went back and caught Pam in 93 saying that TH didn't get mad, he got even. 6:00-6:30. His alibi for the night of the murders was shaky (the friend he says he was with says he left for a while) and he acted strangely towards his wife when he went to pick her up from work, walking past her and not saying anything, just calling the police to report the boys missing. The DNA used for comparison purposes was taken from cigarette butts obtained from an ashtray. There is both an interview and an affidavit signed by Jacoby and neither of those mention anything about Terry propositioning him. The West Memphis Police Department and other officials are being accused of stonewalling the release of the evidence for over a year and informing Echols team that the evidence was lost or destroyed. Would project a macho, heterosexual, in-control image. We do not know whose pants were the ones inside out for sure and whose pair of pants was not, but we do know that Michaels shirt was the only one not inside out and none of the buttons on his shirt were ripped off. A boy who is passed out does not need his clothes ripped off as quickly or roughly as one who is awake and struggling. Pam begins making dinner and getting ready for work (source). RIDGE OKAY, NOW THE CONVERSATION YOU HAD WITH HIS AUNT WHAT IS HER NAME AGAIN? She said some very odd things about TH: "he gets a look that's plum(sp?) VICKIE: UM, JUST SOME BOARDS, LOOKED LIKE SOME ONE HAD LIKE MADE A DEER STAND, A LONG TIME AGO OR SOMETHING AND JUST SOME BOARDS AND THEY KINDA HAD YOU KNOW LIKE A FORTRIDGE: OKAY, AND WERE THEY NAILED ONTO THE TREE OR COULD YOU TELL THAT? Now newly released evidence implicating Terry Hobbs has Pam Hobbs raising her own doubts about the man she once trusted. The podcast Dark Dark World just released an episode (#23) with a narrative positing a theory about Terry Hobbs as the possible murderer. oh boy. was terry hobbs ever found. Its my personal opinion that the evidence presented here should put all debates to rest because both sides have at least some truth in their corner. And the 90s. As he tied up Michael, he further demonstrated to them how to tie up the others in the same consistent manner. 1. In the second statement, Narlene describes to police a conversation she had with LG outside of the police station right before a police interview. And, Ill tell you something, I would take up for my kids when Ive known that they have done something, cause aint no telling what they would do. ! Retired FBI profiler, John Douglas, as well as profiler Brent Turvey both believed the entire attack was punitive in nature and that the perpetrator was teaching the boys a lesson for either a real or percieved transgression. The boys were not simply tossed in, but carried down the ditch and methodically pushed deep into the mud so they wouldnt float. -3:30 Christopher shows up looking for the boys. Just as the stripping of the clothes and the bites and stabs to groin; it all suggests a sexual element to this crime. It is my belief that only Stevie and Chris were stripped at this time because Michael was most likely already unconscious. Billy was merely contacted to corroborate the letter, which he did. Furthermore, in the alleged confessions, Terry states: The bodies cant be found, at least not yet.. RIDGE: ALRIGHT, YOUVE BEEN TO YOUR CLUB BEFORE WITH THEM? THEY SAID NO WE HID THEY COULDNT SEE US. On the night of the 5th LGs aunt Dixie told police and her sister, Narlene, that LG was dropped off at the Laundromat where she worked in a small, light colored car. In Terry Hobbs daughters own diary she talks about having dreams about having sex with her dad and that she is sure that he didnt molest her from age 15 years old to 19. The nude, bound and mutilated bodies of three eight-year-old Cub Scouts were found in a water-filled ditch in a forest near their West Memphis, Ark., homes, one day after they disappeared in May, 1993. The reason for this is that is that there is an abundance of evidence that shows the three are innocent and at the same time, there is some circumstantial evidence that shows they may be guilty. Terry's guilt or innocence doesn't even cross that 1 cop's mindthe only thing that matters is NOT being discovered for liking dick. If he was correct about the drug dealer, he could have correct about the other allegations. They then went and dumped the boys bicycles into the bayou, cleaned up the area and left by dark. You will see that this theory is supported by many statements, interviews, affidavits and even includes the alleged confessions of Buddy Lucas and LG Hollingsworth. That makes sense to me. However, there is no mention of animal prints at the scene, as far as I know, nor car tracks found in the field next to those woods. VICKIE: UM, JUST SOME BOARDS, LOOKED LIKE SOME ONE HAD LIKE MADE A DEER STAND, A LONG TIME AGO OR SOMETHING AND JUST SOME BOARDS AND THEY KINDA HAD YOU KNOW LIKE A FORT. The reason for this is because LG lived very close to both the Byers and the Moores. The act of tying up three unconscious boys who were near death at this point, was clearly an unnecessary act. Now Im back to believing it was TH. This case is so terrifying. It means its likely that he never went home. New DNA testing by the defense shows that none of the genetic material recovered from the murder scene links Echols, Baldwin, or Misskelley to the scene. My belief is that these items were used in the clean up. The Blue Beacon Woods was connected to the Robin Hood Hills which was the last place the three boys had been spotted on the night of the 5th. I still think about it regularly. Flashback to 1993, 4 months after the murders, Pam said that Terry told her he didn't get mad, he got even. Terry was born in Northern Arkansas and grew up in the Ozark Mountain region of the state. Would they have admitted there were car tracks found and helped the defense win their case? This could mean that Terry could have arrived sometime between 8:45 and 9:00pm. RIDGE: IT WAS EARLY IN THE MORNING OR LATE AT NIGHT OR LATE IN THE EVENING? RIDGE: THESE MEN. In that letter is a story about four men going to the woods, smoking marijuana and possibly engaging in sexual activity. transfer betterment to vanguard. This is most likely when Stevie asked Terry if he could continue riding bikes with his friends. It's pure evil and hate. That 1 cop will have bumped into everyone in that southern, 90s, dick-liking community. He actually was able to get his friend and aunt to lie for him in order to protect him. And in another statement made a week later, Aaron again says he believes his friends got caught spying on the men and one of them ordered the others to hold the boys while he killed them: AARON: NOBODY EVEN KNOWS THAT.. THAT I KNOW WHAT REALLY HAPPENED. I have questions. Ifvery conservativelyone in every 10-20 people is gay or bi, and the police force is made up of 20 people (just a fun number) one of those cops is gonna like dick. What this shows us is that Jacoby knows the truth. VICKIE: UM, WEST MEMPHIS POLICE HAD ALL OF THE AREA ROPED OFF, VICKIE: I WENT TO THE DEAD END IT WAS YOU KNOW. On Nov. 6 police in Memphis responded to a call that someone had been shot at 4460 Kerwin St., the home of Pamela and Terry Hobbs. The most likely answer is that Stevie, Chris and Michael were playing behind Jamie Ballards home probably right around 5:00 as they headed on there way to Stevies house. I TOOK AARON TO TODD AND DANAS HOUSE AND UM, TODD ASKED AARON IF HE MIGHT KNOW DID CHRIS OR MICHAEL SAY ANYTHING TO HIM, TO THE EFFECT WHERE THEY MIGHT BE. Especially considering that they are remembering this event 18 years later for one, and for two, there were multiple sightings of the boys from 6pm-6:30 on the street beside the woods, quite a ways away from the Hobbs home, as well as the woods themselves. Keep in mind as well, that the Flash Market/Landromat on Ingram was only a few minutes drive away from the Byers home on 14th. WHAT DID YOU ALL HIDE AND WAIT FOR THEM?AARON: YEAH (YES) WILL WE ALWAYS. In my opinion, it shows that this theory is actually exactly what happened. Terry admitted himself that he whipped Stevie and by Amandas own account, Terry was a violent man who left welts and bruises on her when he hit her. So the chance of them basing their statements off of the practically endless information found on the internet is nil. Thats a time bomb. Ill let you be the judge. AARON: THEY WOULD UM, THEY WOULD WIPE EACH OTHER LIKE UM, LIKE UM, LIKE THEY DID UM TO MICHAEL, CHRIS AND STEVE THEY SAID. And finally, if Terry claims he never saw Stevie that day (despite statements from Jacoby, Jamie Ballard and her sister and mother) there is one extremely significant question Terry has to answer: why did Stevie have partially digested vegetables in his stomach? By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. The boards were a combination of boards that had been nailed together as well as a pile of loose boards on the ground. In the south in the 90s, the community of dick-havers who are into dick will come from all walks of life and have all sorts of jobs. Terry Hobbs was a violent man, this is proven and well documented, and the way Douglass pictures it, he likely wanted to punish or humiliate one or all of the boys and it went too far, leading him to murder them so they wouldn't be able to tell anyone. Aaron Hutchinson also stated that the clubhouse consisted of some old boards: AARON: IN ROBIN HOOD UH, THE PLACE WHERE THE BOARDS ARERIDGE: WAS IT THERE WHERE YOUR CLUB IS OR WAS IT SOME WHERE ELSE IN THOSE WOODS?AARON: IT WAS RIGHT BESIDE OUR UM, TREE HOUSE, And in 2011, pleadings for further DNA testing of the boards that were found next to the clubhouse:http://callahan.8k.com/pdf/de_dnamotion3_30_11.pdf. Published: May. AND I SAID I DONT KNOW ILL BE GLAD TO GO GET HIM IF YOU THINK IT WILL HELP, IF YOU TALK TO HIM, AND HE SAID I WOULD REALLY APPRECIATE IT. As the men submerged the boys, I believe the two teens took the bicycles to the bayou where they dumped them on the north side of the pipe bridge. My opinion is that Terry wanted to humiliate the boys becausehefelt humiliated when the boys caught him involved in a sex act with other men. Due to the suspicion surrounding Buddy and because of his erratic behavior, Bennie Guy decided to confront Buddy and ask him if he truly was involved. This is all supported by Mark Byers testimony. And why would Narlene have any need to lie for LG if he was innocent? $10,000 reward for new information leading to a missing man - WJHG Tell me why Terry Hobbs DIDN'T do it - WM3 : r/UnresolvedMysteries - reddit The West Memphis Three are Damien Echols, Jessie Miskelley, and Jason Baldwin. They happen to not agree with all of his interpretations. Then, I believe that Terry began to attack Stevies face by biting him and even possibly striking his face with the corner of the board. Which is right in line with why this attack would have occurred. Ok, now kiss. Facebook. I personally believe that this boy was Michael Moore.